Before you manage your wealth, manage you mind.
Tell yourself that all is well, that your day is coming.
Every dog has its day, one day your luck will come.
Meanwhile, concentrate on your calling.
Keep on perfecting your talent, be ready always.
If you know you are ready, then you will not worry.
You have the skills and the knowledge in place.
As always, you are willing to keep on waiting and serching.
Maybe you are searching for a jop, business oportunity or any other fortune.
Many people have searched and they have found.
You are not the first, so you will not. be the last.
If you are wiling to keep on matching, you are sure that your day will come one day.
If you are sure that your day will come, then you should not worry or stress.
Life is simple, the equetion of life is solvable by anyone who cares to.
Provided you have the will, the patience to keep on keeping on and the inteligence to realize that you have got to be perfecting your skill as you wait, then you are done.
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