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Succesful people

People who are succesful are people who do things in a certain way.

You can learn the charecteristics of successful people and you too can be successful.

The only requirement for success is the willingness to learn.

As long as you are willing to learn, you are sure to go far.

It is true that the quality of your life will depend on the quality of the book that you read.

Many people have read only the holly book and the the syllubus.

A lot of good money making tecniques have been writen today.

You just need and idea, only a one working idea to make yourself a fotune.

Life is short, it is short that if you are not careful you may spend a big portion suffering.

Safe yourself, safe yourself from poverty, from pain.

It is very painful to leave a life of nothingness.

The pain of finding your way out is far much less than the pain of spending your all life regreating.

As a young man, spend your time gaining knowledge.

It is not enough to just gain knowledge, you have got to spend time reading books that deel on the sector that you have speacialized.

Choose to be the master, to be the expert.

When you became the expert, you became the sought after.

Those who are sought after are never in financial cricies.

Today, choose to be that man of books, men of books will never sleep hungry.
